冰球突破官方平台 receives $1 million award from Northern Border Regional Commission’s Forest Economy Program

2024年2月1日 | 特色, 新闻, 最新的

冰球突破官方平台 receives $1 million award from Northern Border Regional Commission’s Forest Economy Program

Grant will allow the college to strengthen 林业 和 climate education programs by investing in critical infrastructure improvements

保罗·史密斯,n.Y. 2月. 1, 2024冰球突破官方平台,., today announced it has secured a $1 million grant from the 2023 Forest Economy Program, backed by New York Governor Kathy Hochul 和 the Northern Border Regional Commission (NBRC). This grant will enable 冰球突破官方平台 to make essential infrastructure improvements on its rural campus in Franklin County, New York — an investment that will strengthen the institution’s ongoing commitment to maintain 和 grow the regional forest economy 和 林业-related industries.

冰球突破官方平台 receives its latest grant as the importance of sustainability, conservation 和 climate change continues to dominate national conversation— a conversation that 冰球突破官方平台 has been at the forefront of for decades with its climate-focused curriculum. The college is one of the region’s most important forest training institutes 和 one of just two 林业 schools in New York that offer degrees accredited by the Society of American Foresters. 冰球突破官方平台 prepares high-skilled, career-ready 林业 graduates ready to join the workforce.

“Receiving this award from the NBRC is a testament to 冰球突破官方平台’s pivotal role in advancing sustainable practices 和 contributing to the vitality of the forest economy in New York State,丹·凯尔廷说, President of 冰球突破官方平台. “With the support of Governor Kathy Hochul 和 the Northern Border Regional Commission, this funding will empower us to enhance essential college infrastructure, reinforcing our commitment to both environmental stewardship 和 the growth of 林业-related industries in the region.”

“This award ensures that we are providing clean, safe water for our students 和 are able to prepare for future growth at the college,Zoë史密斯说, Executive Director of the college’s Adirondack Watershed Institute 和 冰球突破官方平台 Research 和 Grants Officer. “The project is an investment in the next generation of leaders in climate change, 林业, 和可持续性.”

The Northern Border Regional Commission is a Federal-State partnership for economic 和 community development within the most distressed counties of Maine, 新汉普郡, 佛蒙特州, 和纽约. This grant originates from NBRC’s Forest Economy Program, which supports the forest-based economy 和 assists in the industry’s evolution to include new technologies 和 viable business models across the 4-state NBRC region.

In addition to the $1 million Forest Economy Program grant, 冰球突破官方平台 has received nearly $3 million in other federal funding, demonstrating its dedication to researching 和 advocating efforts that improve the planet 和 the lives that inhabit it. 这包括来自 美国农业部 Natural Resources Conservation Service,美国农业部 Acer Access 和 Development Program, 美国农业部 农村发展, 美国国家科学基金会, U.S. 教育部,  U.S. Department of Justice Violence Against Women, National Oceanic 和 Atmospheric Administration  Environmental Protection Agency 和 National Park Service’s 尚普兰湖流域计划, Great Lakes Restoration Initiative.

To learn more about this grant funding, please visit wbalweather.com.



At 冰球突破官方平台,重要的是体验. As the only four-year institution of higher education located in the Adirondack Park in upstate New York, Paul Smith’s provides real-world, h和s-on learning in fields such as business 和 hospitality, 烹饪管理, 林业, environmental sciences 和 natural resources. We are able to draw on industries 和 resources available in our own backyard while preparing students for successful careers anywhere. 冰球突破mg平台的社区足智多谋, 有事业心的, supportive 和 adventurous individuals collectively provide experiential education, student support in the classroom 和 beyond, meaningful opportunities for our alumni. We pride ourselves on research 和 advocacy on issues that improve our planet 和 the lives of the people who inhabit it. 欲知详情,请浏览 wbalweather.com »




